22689 SW Pine Street
Sherwood, OR 97140
Hours: Mon - Fri, 10am-6pm
Guitar I for Kids
3 weeks | 7-12 years
Explore the diverse world of music through guitar! This class is geared towards beginners who want to dive into learning this amazing instrument. Get the basics: strumming technique, basic chords/notes and music terminology in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Students must provide their own guitar. If you do not have access to an instrument, please contact the instructor directly at estela.schaeffer@gmail.com . We don't want cost or access to be a barrier to any student.
Instructor: Estela Schaeffer
Wed 4/9 - 4/23 4:30-5:15pm
Wed 4/30 - 5/14 4:30-5:15pm
Wed 6/4 - 6/18 4:30-5:15pm
Price: Resident $56 / Non-Resident $67
Guitar II for Kids
3 weeks | 7-12 years
Ready to take the next step in playing the guitar? This class is geared toward later beginners who already know how to read guitar music and feeling comfortable playing simple melodies and strumming basic chords. We will delve deeper into complex strumming patterns, picking arpeggios, tab reading, and more while exploring some fun and diverse music, plus some songs of your choice! Students must provide their own guitar. If you do not have access to an instrument, please contact the instructor directly at estela.schaeffer@gmail.com . We don’t want cost or access be a barrier for your family!
Instructor: Estela Schaeffer
Wed 4/9 - 4/23 5:30-6:15pm
Wed 4/30 - 5/14 5:30-6:15pm
Wed 6/4 - 6/18 5:30-6:15pm
Price: Resident $56 / Non-Resident $67
Intro to Piano for Kids: Beyond the Bench
3 weeks | Ages 7–12
In this fun and dynamic program, students explore keyboard geography, basic music elements, and notation while learning to play a song in the very first lesson. Each term introduces new concepts and activities, ensuring a fresh experience for both new and returning students until it's time to graduate to the next level. Please bring a $16 supply fee to the instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Auksuole Jackunaite
Wed 4/9 - 4/23 6:30-7:15pm
Wed 4/30 - 5/14 6:30-7:15pm
Wed 6/4 - 6/18 6:30-7:15pm
Price: Resident $56 / Non-Resident $67
Supply Fee: $16 – due to the instructor on the first day of class.
Intro to Piano for Kids II
3 weeks | Ages 7–12
Build on your piano skills in this exciting next-level class! Perfect for returning students who already know how to name piano keys and read basic rhythms, this program introduces new songs, techniques, and creative activities to deepen your musical understanding. Each term offers fresh challenges to inspire and prepare students for future levels. Please contact the instructor directly for placement in the Piano II class at goldenfoxpiano@gmail.com”. Please bring a $16 supply fee to the instructor on the first day of class.
Instructor: Auksuole Jackunaite
Wed 4/9 - 4/23 7:30-8:15pm
Wed 4/30 - 5/14 7:30-8:15pm
Wed 6/4 - 6/18 7:30-8:15pm
Price: Resident $56 / Non-Resident $67
Supply Fee: $16 – due to the instructor on the first day of class.