Spring 2024: Theatre


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Theatre: Improv
5 weeks | 5 - 7 years
This 5 week program continues to develop those think on your feet skills that every performer needs to have in their back pocket. Through classic drama games, character creation, costumes, props, and crafting scenes stemming from a character’s seemingly random line, participants will love learning that as long as they believe it, so will the audience. Come with an open mind and a sense of humor!
Instructor: Paula Burton

Weds                    4/3 - 5/1                 6:30 - 7:30pm                                      
Price: Resident $75 / Non-Resident $90


Theatre: Improv
6 weeks | 8 - 12 years
This 6 week program continues to develop those think on your feet skills that every performer needs to have in their back pocket. Through classic drama games, character creation, costumes, props, and crafting scenes stemming from a character’s seemingly random line, participants will love learning that as long as they believe it, so will the audience. Come with an open mind and a sense of humor!
Instructor: Paula Burton

Mon      4/8 - 5/13               6:45 - 7:45pm  
Price: Resident $100 / Non-Resident $120


Whose Line is it Anyways?
5 weeks | 8 - 12 years
A younger take on a classic format. For those of us of a certain age this was a staple of weekly television, where we delighted at the improvisational skills of established comedians faced with the unknown. Learn the art of playing the hand you’re dealt, saying ‘yes’ when you want to say anything but, and keeping a straight face when trying not to laugh! Quick thinking, teamwork, and a (serious) sense of humor required! 
Instructor: Paula Burton              
Weds     5/15 - 6/12            6:30 - 7:30pm
Price: Resident $83 / Non-Resident $100