22689 SW Pine Street
Sherwood, OR 97140
Hours: Mon - Fri, 10am-6pm
STEAM: DESIGN - Behind the Scenes!
5 weeks | 8 - 12 years
Often times the work behind the scenes of a production goes unnoticed, but this is actually the most important role to play! If you like theater, art and design, this is the class for you! This class will challenge students to model ideas similar to what set designers in productions use to share with others in a play or TV production. The class involves creating, working and decorating standard scaled flats (4/5"x10"), scaled down to a model that fits in your own box stage. Standard size flats, both blank and containing baseboard, mitered trim, and square corner block around doorways and windows will help detail a set design. Students will learn to elevate sets with a wide range of doors and windows, stair options and models of basic domestic furniture.
Instructor: Janis Wulgart
Mon 4/8 - 5/6 5:30 - 6:30pm
Price: Resident $65 / Non-Resident $78
STEAM: It’s Not Rocket Science
5 weeks | 7 - 12 years
"It's not rocket science," is an often-used phrase that implies the rocket science is very difficult, which it is of course, but the underlying principles are actually quite simple. This class will explore the forces experienced by birds, planes and rockets as they travel through the air and space and safely back to earth. Work with paper airplanes, DiVinci parachutes, baseil gliders and build and participate in the launch of a model rocket.
Instructor: Janis Wulgart
Mon 5/13 - 6/17 5:30 - 6:30pm
No class on 5/27 – Center Closed Memorial Day
Price: Resident $60 / Non-Resident $72
Supply Fee: $10 – due to the instructor on the first day of class