22689 SW Pine Street
Sherwood, OR 97140
Hours: Mon - Fri, 10am-6pm
My World in a Jar | 7 - 12 years * 4 DAY CAMP
Have you ever imagined your world inside a tiny jar? Space may be limited, but your imagination has no limits! In this camp, you'll create an illustration and craft a miniature jar world using plants and clay.
Instructor: Susan Fu
Mon. - Thu. 6/30 - 7/3 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $150 / Non-Resident $180
Woodland Fairy Realm | 7 - 12 years
Design a whimsical woodland home from natural materials. Craft the wee furnishings along with unique fairy inhabitants. Fashion a bubble wand, felt an acorn necklace and stitch a leaf pouch. Create a welcoming space and entice the fairies and woodland creatures to visit.
Instructor: Susan Rawls
Mon. - Thu. 6/30 - 7/3 9:30am - 12:30pm * 4 DAY CAMP
Mon. - Fri. 8/4 - 8/8 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $156 / Non-Resident $187 * 4 DAY CAMP
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
Mixed Media: Junior Zookeepers | 7 - 12 years * 4 DAY CAMP
Calling all junior explorers and animal enthusiasts! Join us for a "behind the scenes" experience at the zoo. It's not easy caring for some of the world's most beautiful, wild and mischievous creatures. Using mixed media, students will create lemurs, gorillas, hippos and few more familiar friends. Come learn some of the fun things that the animals do in the zoo -- while we're not looking!
Instructor: Melissa Selvester
Mon. - Thu. 6/30 - 7/3 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $132 / Non-Resident $158
Painting: ExplORegon | 7 - 12 years
From the tiny burrowing owl to the great black bear, Oregon is full of beautiful wildlife. In this week-long camp students will learn to paint some of the creatures native to the state of Oregon. A note from the instructor: Please send your student to class in clothes you don’t mind getting paint on! Messes are almost inevitable, and acrylic paint is hard to get out.
Instructor: Savannah Everrett
Mon. - Fri. 7/7 - 7/11 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $170 / Non-Resident $204
Cardboard Castles | 7 - 12 years
Build a fanciful cardboard castle, design knights and royals using shrinky dinks. Engineer a drawbridge and make a catapult to defend your keep. Fill your fantasy realm with dragons, unicorns and mighty steeds. Design a colorful flag, weave and make a candle. An enchanting world awaits.
Instructor: Susan Rawls
Mon. - Fri. 7/14 - 7/18 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
Painting: All About Birds | 7 - 12 years
There are so many colorful birds in the world. Why not learn to explore their colors through paint? In this class students will learn to paint five unique bird species with acrylic paints. Each student will get to take home their painted creation, and a newfound appreciation for all the amazing bird species in this world! A note from the instructor: Please send your student to class in clothes you don’t mind getting paint on! Messes are almost inevitable, and acrylic paint is hard to get out.
Instructor: Savannah Everrett
Mon. - Fri. 7/14 - 7/18 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $170 / Non-Resident $204
Mixed Media: Caribbean Islands Adventure | 7 - 12 years
The ocean is calling! It’s time to explore the tropical waters of the Caribbean. Dive into the vibrant blue waters and explore all the beautiful marine life that lives there. Using mixed media, students will create some of the popular inhabitants on and off the island, including iguanas, dolphins, sea turtles and a few other creatures.
Instructor: Melissa Selvester
Mon. - Thu. 7/21 - 7/25 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $198
Bon Appetit | 7 - 12 years
Bring your family's best dishes to the art world. In this camp, we'll explore mixed media, including but not limited to drawing recipes, crafting food clay miniatures, and designing table settings. Join us as we transform your family's culture and taste buds into artistic expression
Instructor: Susan Fu
Mon. - Fri. 7/21 - 7/25 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $190/ Non-Resident $228
Painting: Creatures of Legend | 7 - 12 years
Unleash your inner artist and enter the world of myths and legends in this exciting 5-class art adventure! We'll be painting fantastical creatures like dragons, unicorns, sea serpents, and more. Learn cool artistic techniques and use your imagination to bring these mythical beasts to life! A note from the instructor: Please send your student to class in clothes you don’t mind getting paint on! Messes are almost inevitable, and acrylic paint is hard to get out.
Instructor: Savannah Everrett
Mon. - Fri. 7/21 - 7/25 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $170 / Non-Resident $204
Cosmic Voyage | 7 - 12 years
Design an alien landscape and its inhabitants. Paint a galaxy, hang some planets and shooting stars. Make spaceships, rovers, or robots from recycled materials. Launch a paper rocket. Design and race a simple battery powered robot. The sky’s the limit.
Instructor: Susan Rawls
Mon. - Fri. 7/28 - 8/1 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
Painting: Forest Creatures | 7 - 12 years
Deep in the woods, there are so many creatures to discover! Show your appreciation for wildlife through this 5 - day painting class. Students will learn to paint iconic forest creatures such as the red fox, the pacific tree frog, and so much more. A note from the instructor: Please send your student to class in clothes you don’t mind getting paint on! Messes are almost inevitable, and acrylic paint is hard to get out.
Instructor: Savannah Everrett
Mon. - Fri. 7/28 - 8/1 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $170 / Non-Resident $204
Nature Art: Trash to Treasure | 6 - 13 years
Join us for a fun filled week of playing with garbage! Okay, it’s not dirty garbage, just to be clear. More like plastic and cardboard recycling, botanical leftovers from neighbors and florists, and whatever else we can get creative with before it hits the landfill. Together we will make art journals and a variety of repurposed projects, including mobiles, decorations, collages and shadow boxes.
Instructor: Amanda Bayha
Mon. - Fri. 7/28 - 8/1 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
Woodland Fairy Realm | 7 - 12 years
Design a whimsical woodland home from natural materials. Craft the wee furnishings along with unique fairy inhabitants. Fashion a bubble wand, felt an acorn necklace and stitch a leaf pouch. Create a welcoming space and entice the fairies to visit.
Instructor: Susan Rawls
Mon. - Fri. 8/4 - 8/8 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
Painting: Wild & Free | 7 - 12 years
Join us for a beautiful camp celebrating the beauty of life in its natural element- Jenny Rose has spent her life rescuing and rehabilitating animals- many of them wild! She has a way of training and caring for them that keeps their wild heart fulfilled, but tame enough to be with humans. This camp, you will get to hear the stories of her farm and get to create the animals that call Wild Rose Hideaway Farm home. From wild horses to wolves, to critically endangered macaws and Axolotls, this is a camp you won’t want to miss
Instructor: Jennifer Rose
Mon. - Fri. 8/4 - 8/8 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $228
Mixed Media: Under the Big Top | 7 - 12 years
The circus is coming to town! Have fun under the big top while recreating the bright colors and the exciting acts that the circus has to offer. Mixed media projects include exhilarating acrobat and tightrope acts, clown antics, lovable circus animals and so much more!
Instructor: Melissa Selvester
Mon. - Fri. 8/4 - 8/8 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $165 / Non-Resident $198
Painting: Pioneering the West | 7 - 12 years
Pioneering the West- Take a trip back in time to the epic tale of the Wild West, where trails were blazed to settle Oregon. Enjoy beautiful landscapes- deserts to lush mountain streams, to camp outs under the stars, to covered wagons with horses, ox and cows. Painting the journey to the Oregon Trail will be a grand adventure you’ll want to be a part of!
Instructor: Jennifer Rose
Mon. - Fri. 8/4 - 8/8 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $228
Eastern vs. Western Dragons: Art, Legends & Lore | 7 - 12 years
Discover the captivating world of dragons! These mythical creatures hold different meanings across cultures, from wise and benevolent to fierce and powerful. Through drawing and sculpting, students will create their own dragons while exploring their legends, symbolism, and artistic traditions. Unleash your creativity and bring these legendary beasts to life!
Instructor: Susan Fu
Mon. - Fri. 8/4 - 8/8 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $228
Painting: Take Flight | 7 - 12 years
Take Flight- Animals of the Air! Butterflies, dragonflies, birds, flying squirrels and more! Join us for a soaring adventure featuring all things winged! We will use the most vibrant colors to paint our way to nature’s airways. Join us!
Instructor: Jennifer Rose
Mon. - Fri. 8/11 - 8/15 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $228
Painting: Safari Adventurers | 7 - 12 years
Take a trip to meet the animals of the Safari! Dive into a safari jeep with wildlife guide Jenny Rose and embark on an African Safari! Jenny started her art career long ago teaching in South African townships, so students will enjoy the tales of Africa as well as the vibrant paintings of the big five! Elephant, leopard, rhino, lion and African buffalo! You don’t want to miss this journey into the bush.
Instructor: Jennifer Rose
Mon. - Fri. 8/11 - 8/15 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $190 / Non-Resident $228
Nature Art: Crafting with Nature | 6 - 13 years
Let’s make art with Mother Nature! We’ll play with rocks, branches, leaves and flowers to make creations that celebrate the natural world around us. Wreaths, garlands, crowns, art journals and more… we’ll let our imaginations be our guide.
Instructor: Amanda Bayha
Mon. - Fri. 8/11 - 8/15 1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
Pirates & Mermaids | 7 - 12 years
Ahoy mateys, delve into a world where pirates plunder the seas and mermaids inhabit the deep. Choose to make a pirate ship with nautical details and craft some buccaneers OR design a coral reef filled with merfolk, sea creatures and undersea treasure. Build a treasure chest, launch pom-poms from a “cannon”, race a cork raft and craft a kaleidoscope. Join the high sea adventure.
Instructor: Susan Rawls
Mon. - Fri. 8/18 - 8/22 9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $195 / Non-Resident $234
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