Digital Arts & Science Summer Camps 2021

Engineering for Kids

Start Planning Summer! Registration NOW OPEN 






Mad Science: Underground Explorers | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
Learn about archaeology and the techniques scientists use to excavate long-lost cities. Discover ancient civilizations and the tools and artifacts they used in everyday life! Study bone fragments, pottery shards, amber deposits, and fossils. Before the week is through you will have created an amber time capsule, and fossil reproduction, and collected your own coins from around the world!
Instructor: Mad Science Staff
Mon-Fri               7/12 - 7/16          9:30am - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $185 / Non-Resident $222


Mad Science: Brixology LEGO® Engineering | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
Brixology sets the foundation for our next generation of makers! Learn about the exciting field of engineering as a Mad Scientist guides you and your team to accomplish engineering-themed projects using LEGO (R) bricks and other materials. Aerospace, structural, water; learn about engineering the Mad Science way!
Instructor: Mad Science Staff
Mon - Fri              7/12 - 7/16          1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $185 / Non-Resident $222


Mad Science: Creative Contraptions | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
Junior inventors go on a journey of discovery, from the real-life inventions of daVinci, Edison and the Wright brothers to Isaac Asimov's dreams of future inventions. With a little bit of ingenuity they'll construct catapults and forts and then lay siege, fabricate innovative flying contraptions, design their own gizmo prototypes and will even assemble a working light saber.
Instructor: Mad Science Staff
Mon - Fri              7/19 - 7/23          1:00 - 4:00pm
Price: Resident $185 / Non-Resident $222





Engineering for Kids: Aerospace Engineering: Up, Up and Away | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
Students use the Engineering Design Process to design, create, test, and refine a variety of flying machines. They will construct a shock-absorbing system designed to protect two marshmallow astronauts in a lunar vehicle, create their own air powered rockets, and assemble a model blimp that actually takes flight!
Instructor: Engineering for Kids Staff
Mon - Fri              8/9 - 8/13            9:30 - 12:30pm
Price: Resident $182.50 / Non-Resident $219


Engineering for Kids: 3D Printing Super Heroes to the Rescue | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
3D printers are one of the most widely applicable and fun inventions on the tech scene today! In this class, we will explore the basic concepts of 3D printing and computer-aided design, or CAD, to design and create our very own 3D printed superhero! Students will take their hand-drawn design and learn how to extrude it into a 3D model that can then be modified to be printed in 3D.
Instructor: Engineering for Kids Staff
Mon - Fri              8/9 - 8/13            9:30 - 12:30 pm
Price: Resident $182.50 / Non-Resident $219


Engineering for Kids: Video Game Design Invader Defense Games | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
Students will use the Engineering Design Process to create a storyboard to outline the rules of play and characters for a new invader defense game. Then, we will use Clickteam Fusion 2.5 to bring our storyboard to life with programming. At the end of class, everyone takes home a working Windows-compatible game! An invader defense game is one in which the programmer creates a pack of enemies for the player to evade and destroy. In our game we will choose to either face aliens in our rocket, squash some bugs, or tangle with sharks.
Instructor: Engineering for Kids Staff
Mon - Fri              8/9 - 8/13            1:00 - 4:00 pm
Price: Resident $182.50 / Non-Resident $219


Engineering for Kids: Robo Battles | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
LEGO EV3 Robotics Program is designed to introduce students to both robot building as well as programming. Students will build robots to accomplish a specific task while using their imagination to make their robot better than the basic robot. Throughout this course the students will explore different ways in which a robot could be utilized to engage in various battle challenges!
Instructor: Engineering for Kids Staff
Mon - Fri              8/16 - 8/20         9:30 - 12:30 pm
Price: Resident $182.50 / Non-Resident $219


Engineering for Kids: Robo Olympics | 7 - 12 years <-- CLICK TO REGISTER
LEGO EV3 Robotics Program is designed to introduce students to both robot building as well as programming. Students will build robots to accomplish a specific task while using their imagination to make their robot better than the basic robot. Students build and program robots to face off in a series of competitions including basketball, tug-of-war, and wrestling.   
Instructor: Engineering for Kids Staff
Mon - Fri              8/16 - 8/20         1:00 - 4:00 pm
Price: Resident $182.50 / Non-Resident $219





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Engineering for Kids
Engineering for Kids
Engineering for Kids
Engineering for Kids